Ophthalmological clinic
Main information
Sight is one of the most important senses of modern times. A high percentage of the population suffers from eye-related health problems. In our outpatient clinic, we will provide you with care in the form of preventive examinations and comprehensive care.
preventive inspections
complete eye examination - correction of glasses and lenses
measurement of eye pressure by non-contact method
measuring the thickness of the cornea
visual field examination
examination of the anterior and posterior segments
measuring the diopters of your glasses
dispensary for glaucoma patients
dispensary for patients with endocrine orbitopathy (thyroid disease)
dispensary for patients after vascular events with visual field failures
treatment of acute eye injuries
operations of the anterior segment: chalazion, verruca, basalioma palpebrarum, xanthelasma (cold barley, wart, benign eyelid tumor, fat tumor)
MUDr. Mária Pavlovičová
MUDr. Tamara Štetinová